

My name is Jean Franckel St. Fort. I was born in Haiti and lived there for all of my childhood and most of my adult life. I completed high school and the first part of my professional studies there. All of my life, I have strongly advocated for children to have access to education from a very early age. I believe that education is both a key to success and to a great future.  In 1975 to 1988, I assisted about 50 children in an after school education program.

What an honor to God it is to give a child the gift of an education! Therefore, in 2000 I founded Secours Divin / Divine Assistance to help instruct the very poor and unfortunate children in Haiti. My dream is to educate the minds of every young child and to have every one of them live the abundant life that a good education makes possible. Without access to a good education, a child is gravely limited in their development and more importantly, in their opportunities. The expression, “The mind is a terrible thing to waste,” is very accurate. Accordingly, my goal is to reach out and help educate the minds of children. Won’t you please help too?

After completion of high school, I went to the professional school, “Ecole de Commerce Maurice Laroche,” (“Maurice LaRoche Business’s School”) and received a certificate of bookkeeping. Then I went to INAGHEI (Institut National d’Administration de Gestion et des Hautes Etudes Internationales). However, the political turmoil in Haiti made it impossible for me to complete my studies in accounting there.

After coming to the United States of America, I was able to continue to pursue my studies in accounting. Following two rigorous years at Rockland Community College in New York State, I received an associate’s degree in accounting and another associate’s degree in business administration. I was on my way toward my goal of becoming a certified public accountant. With this goal in mind, I next went to Ramapo College in New Jersey. However, halfway through this program, things changed.

In the midst of these studies, I realized that my true desire was to study the Word of God.  As a result, I change my major from accounting to theology. From there on, I went to the Evangelical Institute of the Bible and received diploma in Biblical studies.  After that, I studied with Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary in Newburgh, Indiana. I recently received a bachelor’s degree in Biblical arts from this institution. I am currently pursuing my master’s degree at this same school and hope eventually to earn my doctorate there as well.

I strongly affirm as a guiding principle that life without God is empty and without true meaning. As a result, I have sought to serve God in ministry since I encountered Jesus Christ and his salvation in 1976. I am currently serving God in various ministries in my local Church. By the grace of God, I am also serving the Lord by serving the unfortunate children of Haiti. Why? Matthew 10:8 says, “Freely received, freely give.” Amen!

God Bless you!